
experiential knowledge中文什么意思

发音:   用"experiential knowledge"造句
  • 经验知识
  • experiential:    adj. 经验(上)的,由经验得到的,来自经验的,从经验 ...
  • knowledge:    n. 1.知识;学识,学问。 2.了解,理解;消息。 3 ...
  • experiential heuristic knowledge:    经验探试知识
  • experiential:    adj. 经验(上)的,由经验得到的,来自经验的,从经验出发的。 experiential philosophy 经验哲学。 n. -ism 经验主义。 n. -ist 经验主义者。 adv. -ly
  • experiential data:    经验数据
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Artificial intelligence ( ai ) , especially expert system ( es ) , applies to intellectual teaching system ( its ) which demands a lot of human ' s expert knowledge and experiential knowledge
  2. The fuzzy deduction and anti - fuzzy in fuzzy systems are finished by fnnc . off - line training the fnnc let it study and remember the experiential knowledge . then the fnnc can simulate the people ' s control actions
  3. Knowledge productivity finishes its formation from the application of limited experiential knowledge in agricultural society , the materialization of knowledge as machines in industrial society to the productivity directly made by knowledge in knowledge society
  4. The original technology guided by this mind , the accumulation and application of experiential knowledge , only allows a limited processing and reform for certain instruments or subjects of labor . it just leaves the mysterious and powerful nature all intact and the science & technology progress in this sense is only a means of survivorship
  5. Creative thoughts of education include new outlook on educational object , teacher and student , curriculum and teaching . having rational knowledge structure means a teacher should optimize his knowledge structure with disciplinary knowledge , theory of educational sciences , basic culture , experiential knowledge and modern info - tech expertise , etc . creative personality is the engine for teacher ' s creativity it gives support for the development of creativity


    Experiential knowledge is knowledge gained through experience as opposed to a priori (before experience) knowledge. In the philosophy of mind, the phrase often refers to knowledge that can only be acquired through experience, such as, for example, the knowledge of what it is like to see colours, which could not be explained to someone born blind.



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